Got a Tattoo? It Might Affect Your Flight Plans

The American airline announces a change in flight conditions: "It can remove a passenger with offensive body art." What else can't you do on flights?


"If you think you've heard it all about passenger-airline relationships, think again."

The American low-cost airline Spirit Airlines, which recently threatened bankruptcy (Chapter 11), updated this week (22.1) the conditions for flying passengers on its aircraft.

According to the updated conditions, passengers will not be able to have "offensive body art". In other words, the company can remove from a flight a passenger with tattoos that may be interpreted as provocative, offensive, or threatening.

Photo: ShutterstockPhoto: Shutterstock

Additionally, the company updated the clause on "inappropriate dress" and detailed what is considered clothing or lack thereof that would allow flight attendants to remove you from the plane.

It's a bit strange for the company to adopt such a policy change just before it stops operating, but the matter is generating considerable attention and reactions in the American media due to concerns about giving personal discretion to passengers in a manner that violates their privacy. Also, the American media wondered why the company updated these conditions, as there is no known recent incident involving offensive tattoos. What else can't you do or how shouldn't you behave before the flight? Get all of Spirit Airlines' flight conditions.

(Not) Just Because of the Smell

- An offensive, violent passenger, or one behaving in a manner causing offense, endangering passengers, or disturbing other passengers
- A passenger appearing intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
- A passenger interfering with the crew's duties during the flight
- A passenger not complying with the crew's flight instructions
- Passenger posing a security threat or endangering the airline, aircraft, property, passengers, or their property
- Passenger carrying a disease at risk of transmission during the flight, such as chickenpox
- Passenger unable or unwilling to sit in a seat with a fastened seatbelt
- Barefoot or insufficiently clothed passenger (including bare chest, buttocks, and other parts)
- Beginning 22.1.25: Passenger dressed or carrying sexual, obscene, or offensive body art
- Passenger with an odor disturbing to other passengers unless caused by a proven limitation

tags: Spirit AirlinesTattoo PolicyFlight Conditions

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