Advanced Negotiations: On the Way to a New Agreement for Hiring Thai Foreign Workers in More Sectors

Population and Immigration Authority Director, Ronen Peretz: "The delegation visit sends a clear message to the Thai government - we are interested in continuing cooperation with them regarding the import of foreign workers from Thailand."

The Delegation in Thailand: Photo: Population and Immigration Authority Spokesman The Delegation in Thailand: Photo: Population and Immigration Authority Spokesman

The Population and Immigration Authority delegation to Thailand, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labor, is holding a series of meetings to promote the recruitment and import of foreign workers to Israel. 

During the day, the delegation members, led by the director of the authority, Ronen Peretz, and head of the Foreign Workers Administration, Moshe Nakash, held a meeting at the local Ministry of Labor, in the Department for Sending Foreign Workers.

The Population Authority notes that: "Members of the delegation observed the orientation process and met with agricultural workers undergoing interviews, in preparation for coming to Israel."

Director Ronen Peretz: "The delegation visit sends a clear message to the Thai government - we are interested in continuing cooperation regarding the import of foreign workers from Thailand. We act to expand cooperation beyond agriculture to include industry and construction. The countries have strong and tight work relations, and we will continue to operate in this manner."

As already published in PassportNews, the delegations from the Population Authority and the Foreign and Labor Ministries left for Thailand at the beginning of the week, where they are examining the expansion of the agreement between the countries to additional employment sectors and advancing the arrival of a record number of agricultural workers to Israel.

The discussion is intended to examine the issue of doubling the number of workers coming to work in the agriculture sector under the existing agreement. Currently, there are about 38,000 Thai agricultural workers in Israel, with preparations for the entry of a record number of about 13,000 agricultural workers expected in 2025.

As stated, another issue to be discussed is promoting a framework agreement for additional employment sectors, including construction and industry.


tags: Thai WorkersIsraelEmployment

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